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CompAirFare Flight Aggregator

CompAirFare Concept Design

My task was identifying a user pain point revolving around online resources for travel planning, followed by researching and designing a whole new mobile experience that addressed the pain points.

Long Provincial Vietnamese Restaurant

Long Provincial Website Redesign

I was assigned a proto-persona and a live business website where I needed to research and improve or implement a new feature that would meet my proto-persona's needs.

Geekwire News Aggregator

Geekwire App Concept Redesign

As the primary user researcher on a team of three, I provided my teammates with valuable insight that they needed to improve Geekwire’s current mobile app UX and UI design.

Hi-Fi Comp. Designed by C.L. Jin

Davis Door Services Website

Davis Door Services Website Redesign

My team worked with Davis Door Services on a pro bono basis where I was the primary user researcher. I conducted several stakeholder and user interviews for a website concept redesign.

Hi-Fi Comp. Designed by Shlishaa Savita

Let's Work Together!

I'm always interested in hearing ideas and brainstorming!